Ruben Raine

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Phone: 0131 564 0787
Conference House
152 Morrison Street
The Exchange
Our philosophy is a simple one: To provide our clients with a truly dynamic portfolio of overseas properties that offer the unique combination of strong growth returns and positive cash flow income, complimented with an outstanding service package, carefully designed with you in mind. Property investing is a whole lot simpler if the property can pay for itself while your capital grows. Our view is that it if you bought an investment property for 100k that has a mortgage liability of 6k per annum, your investment would be that much more sustainable in the long term if the property was bringing you a rental income of 10k per annum. Investing in overseas property that pays for itself significantly reduces the risk because the property will pay for itself regardless of market conditions, your employment status or other financial commitments. We carefully select and research each development before presenting it to you and we operate a very stringent due diligence program that sets a number of minimum criteria that each development must achieve in order to be considered. Developers are constantly seeking our marketing services but we are adamant that we will only take on developments that meet the highest quality control standards.