Mil Construction

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Phone: +90 555 392 8733
İçerenkoy No:44/1 Kadikoy - Istanbul - Turkey
Yeni Su Deposu Yolu Gulluk - Bodrum - Turkey
Mil Construction was founded in 2008 as the joint enterprise of Genc Muhendislik and Cözüm Construction companies. Genc Mühendislik, which is one of the partners, has been performing mechanical installation engagement works since 1995, and has been involved in the sector. It has been successfully performing the installation of the products of the companies that it is a distributor of, and has its place it deserves in the sector. Cözüm Construction, which is the other partner, has been undertaking various construction sectors as well as construction works in return for flat since 1999. It is known for its paying special attention to infrastructure, rough construction, and fine construction works, and it has united its power with Genc Muhendislik.

Senior Architect İbrahim Baytekin who undertakes the projects and the technical coordination of Mil Construction, has been involved many important projects since his graduation year 1966, and has joined us to share his 42-year experience in university lecturing, consulting, the construction business and the construction site management. His works that he has maintained especially in Bodrum and its surrounding since 1985 are well known by the local people. With his accurate attitude in choosing materials and personnel and with his vision, he is an important figure for our company.

To preserve the public opinion about Mil Construction as prestigious is our most important mission.

Sincerely, Mil Construction Family

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